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Why Refer to Us?
We truly care about our clients.
We are patient focused not numbers focused.
We try to allow each client the time they needs to discuss their needs and feel heard.
Making sure clients feel seen, heard and validated is vital to our mission and values.
We are more than just trauma informed!
We care about creating a safe space for clients to feel heard.
We work with clients with all forms of trauma.
Especially medical & Psychiatric trauma.
We are inclusive.
We truly value clients and accept and support them for who they are as individuals.
Affirming care is not enough.
We strive to be compassionate, understanding, supportive and knowledgable about the diverse communities we work with.
We are not exclusively medication focused.
We do not lead with or prescription pad.
We recognize that medication is not always the answer, nor the only answer.
We welcome collaboration.
We always make time to consult with other medical and mental health providers.
We recognize the vital importance of therapy in supporting a clients wellbeing.
We also recognize that therapist often have insight into concerns that may not be seen during medication management.
While we are focused on safety and improved wellbeing, we support autonomy.
We have a harm-reduction stance, and will not refuse treatment based on lifestyle choices.
We will educate on any perceived safety concerns, but support clients choices.